Gentlemen, change your bookmarks: the Cuban Car Lovers are moving on to become Cuban Classics.
Lately, our blog got a lot of attention with a rising number of visitors, and we are pleased to reward you today with a new layout and better visuals.
So, spread the word. And don't forget to leave your comments, because we want to know from you. It could be anything: what cars you'd like to see, your own stories with old Detroit Iron, a "hello" from your country...
But now, join us at Cubanclassics.blogspot.com!
Lately, our blog got a lot of attention with a rising number of visitors, and we are pleased to reward you today with a new layout and better visuals.
So, spread the word. And don't forget to leave your comments, because we want to know from you. It could be anything: what cars you'd like to see, your own stories with old Detroit Iron, a "hello" from your country...
But now, join us at Cubanclassics.blogspot.com!